Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Good things.

First things first:
thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you (infinity) for your patience with my ridiculous lazy slacking.

Now: this is a real update. I'm cracking my shit down. If there's anything that affirms the reasons why I do this, it's the beginning of a new semester (currently day 2 of my 8th semester of school). Craaazayyy. But seriously: sometimes I forget that all I need to want to do this is the perennial feeling of listening to my iPod as I pull into the school parking lot or while I'm on my way to class and my prevailing thought is, "I don't want to go to class. I want to keep listening to this."

And that's why I write.

So thanks so much to those of you who are out there nagging me (some more so than others) or, at the very least, requesting that I write more and update more often. While I may respond with a little bit of an aggravated tone-- in my defense, I do have a lot going on-- it means more to me than you know that you guys want more.

One piece of (hopefully) exciting news to my readers (i.e. you, assuming you're still out there after I've been MIA for so long): I've made a decision to start going in more of a local direction with this particular blog (and thinking of starting others; those are still just ideas, so bear with me) and focusing mainly on bands from the Kalamazoo area-- shows, new releases, and general news, words on the street, etc.

SO (and this is the important part): I'm asking for your help. Here's what you can do:

-Any bands, musicians, or just music enthusiasts like myself, I would be eternally grateful to anyone who spreads the word about my blog-- link it up on your MySpace, Facebook, or your own blog, tell your friends, etc.

-FRIEND ME ON MYSPACE! That's right, I'm breaking a two-year MySpace boycott (call me a sellout if you wish. I just want to write and what is writing without readers?) You can find me here.

-Get a hold of me-- here, Facebook, or MySpace-- and let me know about any local shows, albums, jam sessions, or press coverage that you would like to see a clip about (even if they are your own!) or interviews that you would like me to conduct. Anything goes. (If you friend me on Facebook, please include a message so I will know you found me here... I usually reject friend requests from people I don't know. Sorry, I'm paranoid like that.)

-Keep reading, commenting, and generally being awesome. Because you must be if you're reading this right now.

Once again, thank you guys so much for inspiring me and, as always, for your love. Let's all do our part to keep the Kalamazoo scene alive and well.


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