Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Announcements, etc

Hello everyone.

I thought it might be time for a bit of an update since the Bird Rights feature was my 40th post and, no, that's not a huge number, but it's a little bit of a milestone (kinda). Espect somethin' cool for the 50th ya'll. Just sayin.

I just want to thank all of my readers for coming to the site; those of you who send encouraging words, feedback, etc are very much appreciated. Those of you will less-nice things to say are appreciated as well. It's true what they say: a handful of "haters" and critics (or even just one) makes you stronger and teaches you more than a million fans, even if it hurts at first. (As Nick Flora says, "Everyone's a critic with a sharp tongue/ I, for, one have been stung/ One too many times/ It's hard to fake a smile.") But you just have to keep on truckin'! Controversies in the greater Kzoo music scene, often in the form of blog-bashing, have been going around... whether you're a musician or a writer, just keep it up-- art is art, and criticism is at the heart of being any type of artist. My hope for all artists who are part of Kalamazoo media/ culture continue to love, support, and constructively criticize one another in the hope that we will all find our voices and create some amazing legacies to leave behind, in whatever medium we so choose.

Without further ado, a couple exciting news tidbits:

[NOISE! Convention]
When I first launched TVJ, I had an idea to have a big show with some of my favorite local bands to promote the site. That never occurred, since I have no idea how to go about booking a show... alas, the intervention of Fate brought two lovely young men into my life with their lovely new site, Kalamazoo NOISE!. As a contributing writer for KN, I'm pleased to announce that we will be hosting a HUGE bash, coined "NOISE! Convention." I believe I've briefly mentioned it previously, but I wanted to reiterate: this is a HUGE-ASS SHOW (16 bands will be playing) to which you and ALL of your friends are more than invited!! (Check out the Facebook invite here.... go ahead, RSVP, you know you wanna.) This is, no doubt, better than anything I could've cooked up. I am SO excited for this and I hope all of you guys will be there. It's going to be amazing. Here are the deets:

What? Quite possibly the most incredible show of all time. Ever.

Who? The Hex Bombs, Ghosts of the Great Lakes, Ender, Hello Victor, Please Promise, Branden Mann and the Reprimand, Elm Street Riot, Brena, Trixy Disco, The Sedgwyck Agent, Sara Never Loved Me, Dead Scene Radio, The Post Addition, Crash City Saints, Dunktank, and Kathryn Tapper. And me of course (and the other KN! boys and gal). And most importantly, YOU!

When? April 29th... the last day of exams for all you WMU folks!!! What a killer way to unwind!

Where? Both stages of The Strutt at the corner of Stadium and Academy.

To date, we've got exactly 400 confirmed guests on Facebook... just sayin', all the cool kids will be there. No pressure or anything. Come on out! Bring your friends! This will be a night none of us will forget! Please be sure to introduce yourself... I can't wait to see your beautiful faces!

[Upcoming Publications]
RECOIL: Check out the April '10 issue for an article by "yours truly" (I hate when people say that) which will hit newsstands (not so much newsstands as countertops in various music-peopley places like Fourth Coast, Guitar Center, and many other places in the greater Kalamazoo/ Grand Rapids area) April 1st... no foolin'!

REVUE: I've got a pending article for this which may or may not run. Long story...

KALAMAZOO NOISE!: As always, keep checkin'.

[Cool Upcoming Stuff]
April 7th at The Strutt: Koji, Ender, and Kevin Devine. AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING. Also be on the lookout for my coverage of this show via KN!

If you're not excited right now, check your pulse homey. For reallz.

--Meg Alexander (thevolumejunkie)

PS: Don't forget to add me on Facebook and MySpace for any and all blog updates and other related matters. Big hugs to all of you who have already :) Later days!


  1. Anonymous4:51 PM

    i think Mustache-A-Palooza!4 will be pretty kickass as wellllll.


  2. whaaat. i don't even know what that is but it sounds fantastic.
